Previously, DEA regulations permitted registrations/renewals to be submitted either through its online portal or via mail delivery to DEA headquarters. Recently, DEA amended its regulations by requiring all registration and renewal applications be submitted only through the secure online portal. DEA believes this rule will mitigate some of the issues associated with paper applications by reducing inefficiencies and facilitating the application process.
In its final rule, DEA clarified that the online portal will be able to accept online batch applications and single payments for batch renewals (applicable if you own multiple locations). Payments could be made with ACH funds, credit cards and other forms of payment that may become available.
DEA also addressed a security concern expressed by one of the commentators by stating that “DEA routinely evaluates the security mechanisms of all of its electronic processes, and expends considerable time and resources to protect the privacy of all registrants and applicants.”
The bottom line is DEA will not accept paper application starting May 11, 2022.