Starting January 1, 2023, California pharmacies will be required to have a new written policy and procedure addressing controlled substances inventory reconciliations. The amended California Code of Regulations 1715.65 now requires that pharmacies perform inventory reconciliation report:

– on all federal controlled substances;

– for federal Schedule II drugs at least once every three months;

Back in 2021, the Secretary of the federal Department of Health and Human Services authorized licensed pharmacists to independently order and administer any COVID-19 therapeutic, subject to certain conditions ( under the Ninth Amendment to Declaration Under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act for Medical Countermeasures Against COVID-19).

Recently – on July 6, 2022

Automatic refills is a landmine. Some states prohibit them outright. Medicare requires patient consent before each delivery. Most PBMs also place some conditions on auto-refills, such as obtaining authorization from the patient for each refill (to prevent fraud, waste and abuse and to ensure that patients receive only medications that they have requested). PBM manuals

This year, the California State Board of Pharmacy (“Board”) adopted a new regulation applicable to pharmacies where pharmacists perform non-professional activities because they work alone. The regulation – Title 16, California Code of Regulations, Section 1714 – establishes criteria a pharmacy must meet to identify and ensure that a person is assigned to assist the

On October 1, 2020, the California State Board of Pharmacy amended Title 16, Cal. Code of Regulations, Section 1707.2. The section explains the requirements for providing patient consultations when medications are delivered or mailed. Pharmacies that deliver or mail must provide their patients with a written notice of the hours of availability for consultation and

So far, the California State Board of Pharmacy has issued the following waivers relaxing some requirements due to the coronavirus outbreak:

  1. Sterile compounding renewal requirements for facilities located within a hospital

This waiver provides that a sterile compounding pharmacy whose license expires on or before May 1, 2020, may have its license renewed without

Many prescribers’ offices are closed due to the coronavirus outbreak, leaving many pharmacies unable to obtain fill authorizations for patients.

Under California law, pharmacies may refill prescriptions without prescriber authorization if:

  • the prescriber is unavailable to authorize the refill;
  • in the pharmacist’s professional judgment, failure to refill the prescription might interrupt the patient’s ongoing